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DPx Gear Takes Intellectual Property Seriously

DPx Gear Takes Intellectual Property Seriously

February 05, 2014 1 Comment

Like many other popular knife designers and manufacturers, DPx Gear has been victim to an onslaught of overseas "copy cats". Our trademarks and patented designs have been used without permission on low quality, low price knives. We make a significant investment in protecting our intellectual property and will prosecute any infringers to the fullest extent of the law.  To that end, we have added a new page to our website featuring some examples of counterfeit DPx products which includes links to public notice of our patents as well as links to current patent and trademark infringement law.

The majority of the infringers are located in China and the infringing products are posted for sale on websites such as Alibaba.com, dhgate.com and eBay in large quantities. The most commonly copied product is our DPx HEST/F and the fake product typically has a masonic symbol on the scale. Some other variations we've seen include a version with the ESEE Knives Izula logo on one side of the blade with the DPx "circle" logo on the other side of the blade as well as a version with nylon sheath.

Counterfeit DPx Product Counterfeit DPx Product

The longer our product is out, the closer the infringing product may look to the actual product which may cause confusion to the consumer; especially if the consumer has never seen our product in person. We recommend only purchasing your DPx product from an authorized dealer. If you have any concerns about your product being a counterfeit or if you want to report a possible counterfeit product, we encourage you to contact DPx Gear directly at customerservice@dpxgear.com or +1 619 780 2600.

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